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Our wounds can be as simple as a preverbal scraped knee or as catastrophic as a lifetime of abuse. None of us will have the exact same experiences in our lifetimes which makes our wounds and how we process them unique. We deserve distinctive support on our journey to wholeness.

Still, many of us share similar pains. The heartache of having been rejected by someone we love, feeling lost and alone even when surrounded by others, losing a friend or family member to the final crossover into death, being profoundly underemployed or unemployed for a long time, getting betrayed by someone we thought we could trust.

As humans, we need healing from these wounds and the myriad of other tiny pricks and huge gashes we accumulate over time.

I have long loved Rumi’s inspiration about the light needing the wound to be able to enter into us. It is such a beautiful image of taking something morbid, ugly, gruesome and turning it into something that can enlighten, glimmer, sparkle, shine. It is however a choice to allow the light to enter in. God has been so unbelievably gracious in allowing us to always choose how we respond. If in the past you responded by denying the light, that is understandable. Pain and heartache can easily lead to hopelessness and despair. Only, I hope now you are wanting to find a new way of dealing with your struggles and hurt. It takes courage to do something differently than before or to step outside the norm for help.

I know from my personal journey to wholeness that energy work and spiritual mentoring are incredible tools to tear down walls and barriers that often traditional forms of therapy cannot reach or fail to find. These break throughs will easily allow for light to flood into your life. Burdens will lighten and lift. Hope will expand. Metamorphosis will begin.

As an additional thought, animals also encounter traumas, abuse, stress, anxiety, heartache, depression, and more. If you have a fury friend in your life who is struggling, energy work can be an easy, accessible form of therapy to ease the burdens they are caring. Allow more light into their lives. In understanding their difficulties and where your relationship may be weak or broken, you too will increase the light within yourself.