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Jessica has a wealth of knowledge about cats and kittens. She has been such an amazing resource for our household. Her years of raising rescue kittens and having her own cat, have given her the experience and growth to confidently pursue her passion and love for the feline species. We appreciate all her advice and kindness in raising our own furry family.

-Kasey Grubb MSN, RN, CNE

Kasey Grubb MSN, RN, CNE


Jessica Mockett

Life's Journey

When I was around 30 years old I made a choice that eventually led to a rock bottom place in my life. I was angry at God; hurt and confused because I didn’t understand Him or His ways. For a series of several years my life was just hard. My self-worth was low, so low I started thinking about how to take my life. One night, I broke down in prayer and told God in all humility and heartache that I didn’t know if I could survive much longer in my circumstances.

Within days, a miracle, a way out of my situation materialized. I gratefully knew my prayer had been heard and answered. Within that year, I was randomly (or so it seemed) introduced to Emotion Code/Body Code. Gratefully, I embraced those services, paying for them even though money was tight because I knew, the evidence was clear, that it was changing my life for the better. At an Emotion Code seminar I attended, the speaker talked about how dramatically someone’s life can change once their heart wall was removed—finding love, doubling income, getting healthy, and other amazing fast changes. Several months after my heart wall was removed, I felt disappointed that I didn’t get any of those kinds of miracles. But then, with some reflection, I realized that I had gotten it. For the first time in my life, I felt connected with God in a real way. And that connection was so comforting. Also, I was now truly open to new ideas in personal development, spiritual growth, sustainable living, and holistic healing which lead to additional knowledge and changes in my life.

I started on this sincere journey for holistic and spiritual healing nearly ten years ago. Over these many years, I’ve gained a wide range of holistic and spiritual skills to help myself, my pets, my family, and now my clients and their families and pets. Energy work, holistic healing support, daily self-care, and the use of spiritual tools will change one’s life for the better. These principals and tools are easily and successfully applied to our precious companion animals as well.

Energy Work

I became certified as an Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code practitioner. Beginning eight years ago, I started serving family, pets, foster cats, and clients with these energy healing tools. I learned to also utilize and teach tapping (or EFT), assist others with a frequency device called Healy, build personalized positive affirmation lists, and guided meditations for clients.

Holistic Healing Support

I have built up an abundance of knowledge over the years with a variety of holistic tools. An avid essential oil user, I’ve used CPTG oils daily for a decade. More recently I have taken courses on safely using CPTG EOs with cats and dogs. Crystals come into my world about seven years ago. Self-taught, I use crystals for myself, my home, and my pets daily. I can teach you too, how to incorporate and care for these subtle healing supportive stones. Light therapy is another wonderful asset I’ve incorporated into healing protocols. Infrared and colored lights support cellular rejuvenation. More recently, I am learning about homeopathy and certifying as a Homeopathic Pet Educator.

Daily Self-Care

A more recent book I’ve read dubs that our best life sprouts from “radical self-care.” How does self-care fit into healing? It may seem obvious, but most of us, especially working, busy moms and dads, do not make time for regular self-care, let alone radical self-care. A daily routine is needed to make time for doing the things that center us, ground us, and make us more peaceful. Creating new habits isn’t always easy, so having someone help, a mentor or supporter, makes the process more attainable. When we take good care of ourselves, we are more adept at taking good care of others, including and especially our families and pets.

Spiritual Tools

While I value religion in my own life, I am not speaking of religion per se when I talk and teach about spirituality. A belief in a Higher Power, God and Christ for me, is crucial for developing hope, charity, forgiveness, humility, and love. Having a daily used set of spiritual tools is critical for long-lasting progression and healing. This is something I have taken very seriously over the last ten years, having acquired a vast knowledge from numerous healing and self-help books that I have put into practice. I can help you seek and apply the right spiritual tools for yourself, your family, and even for using with your pets.

I'd Like to Help

Let's Work Together

If you are ready to seek healing for yourself, your family or your pets, I would love to help you on the journey. 

Reach out via email if you have any questions about what I can do for you. Or discover more information under Services. If ready, fill out the form under “Book Now” and I will follow up with an email. I am looking forward to connecting.