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Using Healing Crystals

If you have never used crystals as a healing tool it may seem a bit silly or far-fetched to believe they help. Indeed, I personally haven’t experienced some miraculous breakthrough just from utilizing stones. I see them as a supportive tool. I know them to bring comfort as I hold them. These rocks don’t actually heal, but their energetic frequency or vibration can be beneficial to the healing process your body or mind undertakes.

Getting into crystals is actually a fun and joyful practice! I especially delight in all things glittery and sparkly like gemstones and jewelry. So once I understood a bit more about why someone might choose to use crystals, I was all in on buying myself some beautiful stones.

Most every decent sized city will have a few shops that cater to spiritual and alternative healing and will sell things like incense, drums, singing bowls, crystals, fountains, wind chimes, and more. I suggest that if you can, go to a physical store for your first time purchasing crystals. You want to be sure you are getting quality stones and in a retail space you can handle them and see them up close. I think naturally created stones have the best healing qualities, but some man-made stones have their place. Store clerks may be able to help you understand each crystal’s healing properties or point you to a good book about crystals. I recommend you buy a few that seem to draw you in – that make you want to touch or hold them. Intuitively you are being called to those stones because they can support you right now on your journey.

Now, you can buy stones online. Places like have many sellers. But please note that some sellers are legit and some sell knock offs or really low quality stones. I have ordered from Etsy and been delighted and disappointed. When you buy in person at the store, you know and sense exactly what you are getting without the gamble. Plus, as an added bonus you are supporting a local business! It is a financial investment to buy crystals, especially larger stones. So when starting a collection of crystals, you can go all out, buying a lot at once, or collect slowly over the years. Try not to add stress to your life with this healing practice by going into debt!

With my foster kittens, I frequently use crystals in their care. I use them to bring comfort to them in the hard transition after losing their mama cat and I use them to support healing when they are sick. I am always doing so much more in a healing protocol with sickies than simply relying on the frequency of those gemstones. So keep that in mind. I place stones near sick or depressed kitties that I either know have the right vibrational properties needed, or I go off of instinct using stones that I intuitively feel are needed. When I place these crystals with a sick kitty, I always say a prayer that the useful energetic properties will be helpful and be magnified by God.

Caring for your crystals is easy. Generally they just need to be washed in water or set in the sun (or moonlight) for an hour or so to clean and “recharge” them. You can imagine that if a crystal sat in the sick bed with your kitty, taking on some of that sick energy, it will need to be cleansed to continue being effective in future. Having a book on crystals is great because it will teach you that some stones are negatively impacted by light exposure, losing color saturation (I learned this the hard way with my purple amethyst geodes) and a few crystals will dissolve in water.

Years ago, I would have readily rolled my eyes at anyone who believed that crystals had any power or purpose other than beauty. I never personally worried about them being evil in and of themselves. Now, I know some religious peoples think crystals are somehow a tool used only for ill purposes, like in satanic or pagan practices. And surely these tools can be used in that way.

For those who are worried that utilizing crystals is evil or dangerous from a spiritual standpoint, let me present a concept for thought: everything in this life has an opposite. An ancient prophet and believer in Christ, whose works I have read, teaches that there is “opposition in all things”. There are dual intentions or purposes for essentially anything God created (like objects, emotions, physical urges, resources). God hopes for us to use these things with love, for the highest good of all. Evil usurps the creations of God and comes up with counterfeit intentions or purposes. Like most teachings from God there are many layers to this meaning of opposition. You could look at this opposition simply from a stand point of ‘all things will be hard’. But the God I know, that isn’t His plan that things are always hard for us. Another simple way to look at this is that the opposite of love is hate, the opposite of justice is mercy, the opposite of seriousness is frivolity.

Diving deeper and we can see that there are actually two sides of “love” – healthy love and toxic love. Mercy can be over done by removing all consequences or it can be productive in showing love while still allowing some of the natural consequences of someone’s actions teach them. In this way every concept or item has two sides to it. Take sex as another example. Healthy sex is about sharing a loving, consensual connection and intimacy between committed adults. However, sex has a very dark side where lust, abuse, enslavement, perversion, rape, etc. reside. God intended for humans to have healthy sexual relations, bringing couples together in a unifying way, unique to other types of relationships (parent, child, sibling, friend, peer) even allowing this couple to create life with that beautiful, loving, pleasurable gift. Evil has taken that righteous purpose and given it an opposite, a counterfeit filled with lies, betrayal, degradation, and trauma. An even simpler concept to look at is money. Money has opposites simply in how it is used. Money is just a tool. It is neither good or bad in and of itself. The opposition lies in how humans use it. Do they use this tool to create more beauty, light, and love in this world or do they use it for selfish, cruel, or controlling purposes?

So if everything has an opposite – a goodly purpose and a malicious purpose than that would hold true for crystals. They are a tool with opposition. They are neither good nor evil, like the tool of money. However, unlike the concept of money, which was created by men, God actually created a huge range of crystals and rock formations. I believe God’s purpose here was so much more than just creating “variety” for the eyes but that each type of stone has a deeper value and purpose. Like money, with crystals it is how they are used, the intentions behind their use, that would then make them have a negative or positive function. Understanding this opposition and choosing the side of goodness is in our best interest for spiritual development.

All this to say if you fear using crystals, you needn’t. Enjoy their beauty. Let them support you and your loved ones in wholesome, loving ways.